Camryn Wyatt joined our family in August and I FINALLY got to see her last weekend! Jay's sister, Stacy, is now the mommy of FIVE girls (yep, count 'em!) and one boy, poor outnumbered Bradd. Camryn is of course as sweet as can be, with lots of dark brown hair. She looks a lot like her daddy. We got together to celebrate his bday as well as her older sister, Haley's. Holden loves visiting his Wyatt cousins because well, it's just never boring with all those kids running around! He really liked Camryn unless I was holding her. Then he had to be held, too, so that he was sure she knew I was HIS mommy! =o) There is nothing like a newborn. Those little sounds, the sweet baby smell, how deeply they sleep....and it seems like yesterday that the others were that little. See the group photos of them below on the couch: left to right is Mackenzie, Kaitlin (holding Camryn), Haley, Brianna, and Bradd. And no, it's not a duplicate in the black and white...if you look closely there is an added boy! Guess who?