On our final day in TX, we visited Sea World in San Antonio.
Love this picture of Hunter on the way there: conquering the world, one bottle at a time! ;)
Holden and "Shamu"
Holden just love the characters! So funny since he used to petrified of them not too long ago!
Good times in Sesame Land...can you imagine being in one of those costumes?! It was over 100 degrees and I was DRIPPING sweat in my shorts!

Four is the perfect age for theme parks. Holden just had a ball. He loved the rides, the characters, climbing the big nets with Daddy, you name it.
I loved watching him have such a good time.

Holden was ALL about the water! I brought his trunks, but he opted to stay in his clothes and get them "really soakin' wet, Mommy!" so that he could walk around wet and stay cooler for awhile. Made sense to me!

One of the highlights of every one's day was the dolphin cove, where you could pet and feed dolphins. So fun! I just love dolphins. They are so friendly and look like they are smiling. Of course if you have food for them, they are extra friendly! Hunter was asleep in the stroller and I am really bummed he missed this. I think he would have loved it! Holden did.

Holden's hand compared to a Gentoo penguin's foot. He has a little growing to do. :)
We had a great day at Sea World despite the TX heat, and enjoyed a yummy send-off dinner at Aunt Steph and Uncle Kevin's that night, with all kinds of delicious Tex-Mex food. YUM! I wish I would have taken pics there of everyone together. I was too busy enjoying the food and cooling off in the pool. Holden talks about our trip often and asks when we will go back to TX again.
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