Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas night

On Christmas night, we drove the four doors down to Jay's parents' house. Yes, it was that cold and icy! There was just no way we could walk safely. Which is crazy, because today it is in the 60's and all of the snow melted! That's Illinois weather for you. Tami cooked a yummy ham dinner, and between her and Betty, Jay's grandma, there was more than enough good things to fill our stomachs with! (Holden ate french fries and fruit snacks. The kid doesn't know what he's missing!) Then we opened gifts downstairs. We again got completely spoiled, especially Holden. All I could think that night was, "Where on Earth are we going to fit all of this stuff? And how are we ever going to fit more toys in the future?"

Our Christmas group shot turned out much better than the Thanksgiving one! Tami is still trying to send that one to the Ellen show. Apparently she shows funny pictures that people send her.
Some fun pictures from the evening. Holden sure had fun playing the Wii with Aunt Allie! As usual, Jay and Allison found new ways to torment each other and to give me blackmailing photography opportunities. =o)

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1 comment:

the cunningham family said...

What are you going to do with Jay and Allie? :) The family pic did turn out better this time around! That would be hilarious if you made the Ellen show!! Glad you enjoyed your time with the family and had a good Christmas! It looks like Holden made out with lots of new and fun things!