Visiting the bunny this year was a whole story in itself. My parents and I had planned to just stop by Walmart quickly after church, as they were advertising free bunny pics. Mind you, this involved changing them into their Easter outfits in the van, as I didn't want them to wear them to church until Easter Sunday. Hunter had fallen asleep in his car seat, and I had to wake him up for this ordeal. We got into Walmart, both boys were miraculously happy, and there was no bunny. They informed us that the photo section was experiencing "technical difficulties" and the wait might be an hour. Forget that. The boys ate popcorn chicken and potato wedges in the van because I am a model parent. We got back in the van and headed over to the mall, where for the bargain price of 20.00, you get exactly two 5x7's with the lovely eye-shadow adorned bunny pictured above. However, it was all worth it because they both loved the deranged bunny (WHY?!) and we got the cutest picture of the two of them. Thank God I had dragged my parents along with me or I don't think we would have made it. Hunter kept touching the bunny's nose and just thought he (she?!) was hilarious.
I will have lots of new pics to post soon of egg decorating, a visit from Great Granny and her friend, Walter, and of course all of the fun that tomorrow brings. This year Holden is very excited about the bunny visiting our house. It seems like yesterday that he was scared to go to bed because "Dat bunny's comin'!" No more. He actually cleaned his room today to "make sure the bunny has a path."
We have been talking a lot about Easter and what it means, and this year he also understands that the most important part of Easter is that Jesus rose from the dead. Amidst all of the candy and egg hunts, we are so thankful for the wonderful gift that God gave us in His son's death and resurrection. Happy Easter! He is risen!
OMG! I am cracking up at the beginning of your post, model parent, eating in the car, etc. HILARIOUS! "technical difficulties" that is ridiculous! We were at Woodfield on Friday in Schaumburg & the line was a mile long for the Easter Bunny. Ridiculous! Nothing is worth that kind of wait, ok, maybe a million dollars :) GREAT photo!
I was laughing out loud over your blog!! Too funny. The picture turned out super cute though.
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