Monday, June 7, 2010

Look who's two months old!

Hunter James Paul Hobson is 2 months old! How does the time go so quickly?! I am a little late in posting this; sorry buddy! Typical second baby; I am also behind on his baby book, framing pictures of him, and finishing things in his nursery, he spends a lot more time in the swing, bouncy seat, etc. than his brother ever did, and sometimes he sits and cries out of necessity. But we love him to pieces and can't imagine life without him!
As you can see, he has filled out quite a bit since his 1 month pics, and he has also really started smiling. I just love his chubby little cheeks and legs!

Hunter is the spitting image of his brother as a baby, but about twice the size that he was. :) He is drinking 5-6 oz. at a time and fits into a lot of the 6 mo. outfits at 2 months old! So crazy how different two siblings can be size-wise.

He is very alert, holding his head up well, and continues to be very laid-back. He cries if he is hungry, tired, or has a tummy-ache, and that's about it. Those are times when I feel whiny, too, so I can't blame him! He is a good sleeper and goes back to sleep after his night time bottles. I am waiting for that phrase to turn into night time BOTTLE, but right now he still usually takes two.

This next series of pictures cracks me up! He was doing nicely for our little photo shoot until we got to the pictures with his 2 mo. sign. The phrase, "It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to!" comes to mind. Jay thinks I'm mean for posting these but I think they are hilarious and too cute!

The picture below is my favorite! He has a fabulous pout. Every time he gives me this face, he gets whatever he wants. How can you resist that little lip?

Come on, Mommy, enough pictures already!!!

Seriously, lady, I've had ENOUGH!!!

After a bottle and bedtime, we tried again the next morning and all was forgiven.

Such a little ham! Love him!

Here are some pics from his 2 month appt. He was such a good boy and slept through most of it. Until the shots. Let's just say he was extremely offended that the nice nurse that he was smiling at had the nerve to stick him three times in his chubby little legs. She got an earful! I was just going to take him, but Holden insisted on coming along so I recruited Daddy as well since it was his day off. Holden was so sweet; he was upset that Hunter had to get shots and offered to take one of them for him! He was ready to do it right up until the nurse told him she was sorry but Hunter needed all of them. He did look a bit relieved. :) He has made up a song that I need to catch on videotape one of these days. It is called, "Don't cry," and he belts it out to Hunter whenever he fusses. It consists of two sentences: "Don't cry!" and "It's a bad word!" It is a riot! He is such a great big brother!

We learned that Hunter weighs 13 lbs (76th percentile) and is 25 inches long! (97th percentile) Jay joked that he must be the mailman's child since both Jay and Holden have the same extremely short legs. :) Holden's percentiles were always very low-I will have to dig them out to compare but I know they weren't anywhere near these!
Finally, a video of my little Bubba. He is such a happy guy! I love this stage where they start cooing and "talking" at you. So fun!

1 comment:

Love, Laughter, Joy and Everything In Between said...

Hi Katie, I'm Kim Stille's sister. Just wanted to send you a quick note and tell you how much I've enjoyed your blog. It's really cute and so are your boys. My boys are 8 and 4 so your blogs really take me back to when Nick was a baby and Jay was just 4! Time flies.