Saturday, July 17, 2010

Father's Day weekend 2010

Technology has not been my friend in the past few weeks. My USB cord wouldn't work to load pics, my I-Phone crashed, (fortunately Felicia the helpline phone tech. is the bomb!) and then my memory stick somehow malfunctioned and I may have lost 100's of special pictures, including the 4th of July and Hunter's 3 mo. shots. A friend's husband is working on it at the moment. I was able to salvage some, including Father's Day weekend. So here they are, a month later! :)

Hunter loves his Daddy!

Holden in his "My Daddy Rocks" t-shirt. He and Daddy love being goofy together!

Jay had Saturday off, so we enjoyed a special family day together on the day before Father's Day. Here he is with his boys. Holden picked out the new shirt he is wearing. (Sorry, Cubs fans!)

We took the boys to McGraw Park. Holden and Daddy had fun splashing in the fountain. It was a hot day!

Then they enjoyed the Splash Park. Jay would stand on a sprayer to stop it, then call Holden over to stand by him. Holden fell for it every time! See him running away lickety split in the middle right picture!

Oh, humidity, you are NOT my friend!
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Hunter and I hung out in the shade and watched the action. Daddy and Holden also had some slide races, and then we visited the new "Super DQ" in town for some ice cream.

Saturday the 19th was also our 6th wedding anniversary. My parents watched the boys while we went out for dinner. They took a family picture for us. This was the best of the three Mom took...Holden's eyes are closed, but at least he's smiling, and our faces are all pointed in the general vicinity of the camera. :)

"Just the two of us"

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On Father's Day, the boys and I went to church, had lunch at our house with Grammy and Papa, and then walked over to a park close to our house. Holden gave Papa quite the workout on another hot Illinois day! We walked on the trail before heading back home.

When Jay got home, he pulled out the slip n' slide for some water action. He is such a big kid! He and Holden had a blast, and I had fun watching them.

Jay would kink the hose behind his back, then tell Holden he had to kiss Elmo's nose to turn the water back on. Of course once Holden was face down on the mat, he'd unkink the hose! It took Holden awhile to figure it out. :)

Once the sun started to set so it was tolerable, we went for a short walk. This was Hunter's first time in the bike stroller (sans bike) and he loved it! Holden was a good big brother and made sure to hold onto the baby seat at all times. He was so excited that Hunter could ride with him!

We ended the day out at Comlara Park. We found a little dock and threw bread to the ducks and fish, and enjoyed the view. I love the pictures of Jay and the boys at the end of the dock.

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My little Hunt-man and me.

Love my boys! Can you tell from the pink cheeks and the shiny faces that it was STILL hot at 7:00 at night?

Cracking up that you can see full pieces of bread floating in the water. Holden got tired of breaking them into pieces. :)

Pepaw was busy all day with his Heating and Cooling business. People need their air conditioners to work in hot weather! Holden was in his jammies by the time we saw his van pulling up down the street. Jay and Holden walked down to wish him a happy Father's Day and give him his gift. They shared a bedtime snack together. :)

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