Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Big boy bed and a big box!

Holden got a brand new race car bed last night! He is so excited about it. From the time Holden was born, Jay has said the one thing he always wanted growing up that he didn't get was a car bed. So he insisted Holden would have one. We found a really cool one made by Step 2 that uses the toddler mattress, but converts to a twin later. We liked that aspect since it seems like the toddler beds are so pricey and don't last all that long. Well, from the looks of how this bed swallows him up, he'll be in it a long time! :)

I love his little hand waving from the bed. He did GREAT last night; went right down and slept all night. He never tried to get out. I had been worried since he never figured out how to get out of his crib and now he had the opportunity. In the morning, he was sitting up waving at me when I peeked in. I told him he could get out and he said, "I a BIG BOY!" So cute. Now if we could just get him potty trained!!

Even more exciting to him than the bed was the gaint box it came in. I remember playing in a refrigerator box as a child and loving it. Memaw cut a door out and I put a window in, and he thought it was the greatest thing ever. It is currently taking up our entire living room but it sure keeps him busy. :)

Can't believe how big my baby boy is getting.


Grammy said...

Wow,Holden you have a really neat race car bed! PaPa and I can't wait to see it. Looks like you are having fun with your box house too!
We love you!

Grammy and Pa Pa

The Moser Fam... said...

Cool bed! I'm sure he is loving it! I was wondering where you went..glad to see a new post!