Tuesday, November 9, 2010

7 mos!

My little guy hit the 7 month mark 4 days before Halloween. I love him more every single day. It takes my breath away at just how quickly his first year is going. He is such a sweet, happy little guy. Mommy loves you SO much, Hunter James Paul Hobson!

Love this expression! And his big, beautiful brown eyes.

This is SO Hunter at 7 mos. On his belly, big grin, fingers shoved in his mouth, and a wet face.

"You're funny, Mommy!"

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At 7 mos: Hunter is right around 20 lbs, not sure on length since we haven't had another checkup yet. But we know he is looong! He is wearing 12 mo. clothes, and some 18 mos. if the outfits are one-piece or shirts that snap. Some of his jeans are already looking like capris! :) He continues to be a big fan of mealtimes, and is eating three times a day and having 4 six oz. bottles. We have been trying the little puffs and some other teether type foods, but so far while he likes the taste, he tends to gag on them. We'll keep working at it! He still only has his two bottom teeth, but he is working hard on a mouthful. His poor gums are so puffy, and he has been a snotty, drooly, coughing mess. Twice I have taken him into prompt care only to be told it is a "very mean case of teething." The Dr. said he could see 6 that he is working on. Poor little guy! He still has his sunshiney disposition for the most part, but just constantly has his hands or toys in his mouth. I feel so bad that nothing is popping through despite all of his efforts! We have been using the teething tablets and they do give him relief-when I can get them to dissolve in his mouth without him swallowing them! :) His sleeping has been interrupted quite a bit due to his discomfort with his mouth, but he has started (dare I say it?) sleeping through the night without a bottle often. He usually stirs sometime between 3 and 4 am, but just babbles and self-soothes himself back to sleep without the major crying fits we were having a few weeks ago. He generally gets up for the day around 6. The time change messed with his schedule a bit, but not too badly. We tried our hardest to keep him up a little later on the night we switched the clocks back! He stayed up until 7:30; a half hour past his bedtime. What a party animal! Ha! Hunter enjoys the Bounceroo and Exersaucer, anything that lights up and makes noise, his teething rings, and rolling/attempting to scoot around on the floor, especially if his big brother is with him. He ADORES Holden, and thinks that anything he does is hilarious. I love seeing his face split into a big grin whenever Holden is around. It is just heartwarming. Now that he is big enough, they already "roughhouse" a bit together when they are both on the floor or in my bed. They give each other the giggles and feed off of each other's antics. Hunter is really close to sitting up without assistance. He does well with the Boppy pillow around him and a pile of toys in front of him. That way if he does slide down to one side, he ends up laying on the pillow. :) He can't go in the Bumbo seat anymore because he is able to maneuver himself out of it and onto the floor. It was hysterical to walk into the room and see him laying there on his tummy, arms and head propped up, grinning at me with the Bumbo seat still stuck to his butt! He is also really close to scooting, and can move himself backwards. If I lay him on the floor, he moves all around between wiggling, scooting, and rolling. He can get himself clear across the room and is really motivated to get into Holden's toys. :) I am seriously debating if I need to get him a haircut. The "V" that is coming down his forehead is getting really long, and his hair is curling around his ears. But I just hate to do it before he's 1! I know he will look so much older once we trim it. It is so baby-soft right now. He is LOUD at all times unless he's sleeping; grunting, babbling, saying "Da," "Ba," "Goo," and "Voo," and is even verbal while eating. I swear it sounds like he is saying, "Mmm!" when he takes each spoonful!

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