Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Mother's Day weekend 2011

I'm finally up to my Mother's Day post! Ha! I have been a bit frustrated with blogger lately. For one thing, I suddenly can't upload pics directly from Picasa anymore. That's how I always blogged, and it was quick and simple; four pics at a time. Now I have to save them to my computer after editing, then load them one at a time, and it is slooooow. Blogger is also making big spaces between all of my pictures that aren't there when I edit. Weird?! Anyone else having issues? Part of the problem is also that I take SO many pics and I don't like to leave any out. :)

The night before Mother's Day, we had Hunter dedicated at our evening church service. Jay had to work on Sunday, so I am glad that they have the evening option now. Here we are, the "green" family. :)

Aunt Allie, Memaw, Papa and Grammy joined us at the service.

My dad took this picture of us right before we went up front. Love Holden's tongue. Nice.

Some pictures of us during the dedication ceremony. So thankful for these two little boys!

On Mother's Day morning, Holden got out all of the special things he had made for me at preschool that he had been hiding in his backpack. (I knew they were there because he would not let me look at them.) :) He also asked me to get something down from the garage shelf that Jay had helped him hide. Jay had told me that he didn't know what in the world it was, but that Holden was extremely excited about it. As Mommies always do, I knew immediately that it was his little footprint in some type of clay they had made at school. (He told me they put salt in it.) :) This was the first year that Holden was old enough to understand that the day was special, and he was so sweet and proud to give me his gifts. Years from now when he is older and able to buy me something really nice, it still will not top his first heartfelt, handmade gifts that he gave me at the age of 4.

My little Hunt-man can't make gifts for me yet, but he greeted me with his toothy, drooly grin and handed me a few soggy Cheerios. :) Sweet baby boy.

Holden also presented me with this flower that he made for me during Sunday school the night before after the dedication. He had already given it to me that night, but he went and found it and ceremoniously handed it to me again. Best flower I've ever received. ;)

My two very best gifts ever, and the reason I celebrate Mother's Day. Love these goofy boys!

The baby who first made me a Mommy, who celebrated my first Mother's Day ever with me, and who will always be my baby, no matter how big he gets.

The baby who made me a Mommy a second time over, and who taught me that love never has to divide; it multiplies. He will also always be my baby.

My boys and me. The funny thing is, that growing up I always pictured myself with little girls. Lots of pink, bows, and Barbies. And while I love all of the little girls in my life, (and have my pick of some perfect future daughter in laws! Ha!) I now absolutely cannot picture my life with anything but these two ornery, messy, loud, wild little boys! I actually get excited about things like combines, cement mixers, blue sand, lawn mowers, the claw truck, dinosaurs, and pirates, among other things. LOVE THEM!!!

The dynamic duo, all ready for Mother's Day brunch.

I love that they are starting to play together. Like how Hunter is sitting on the train tracks here? Holden tolerates him to a point-until he doesn't follow his directions or wrecks something he has set up. Then he lets out a loud, "MOMMY! Hunter's RUINING things again!!"

I had to add this because I find it hysterical. Holden decided he wanted to be a farmer and "ride" his Build-A-Bear Clydesdale. Just a tad on the small side for him!

Here we are at the annual Mother's Day brunch at the Double Tree hotel. It is my dad's treat to me each year; I load up on good food, he entertains the boys and makes sure I get to eat in peace. :) My mom, brother, Granny, and her friend, Walter, were also with us. Notice Holden w/ the spoon in his mouth-backwards. Typical. Lol!

My brother pulled off a surprise for my mom, as she thought he couldn't make it due to work. I wish I could have seen her face! She said she did a double-take. I was getting Holden's food and missed it. The boys love their Uncle Eric and had fun with him.

Walter and Granny. It was Walter's birthday, too!

Pics with our mom.

Hunter enjoyed his mealtime. He ate roast beef, watermelon, tater tots, cheese cubes, and some other random things off my plate. :) I remember the first year we did the brunch when Holden was this age. He ate 5 pieces of Jell-O. Period. Ha!

My wonderful parents, and my brother and me.

Papa and the boys. They enjoyed some courtyard statue/fountain entertainment while the rest of us kept eating. :)

The boys and me. We had fun hanging out in the courtyard after lunch, and also sampling the chocolate fountain!

Holden is just not a big fan of chocolate, (how he came out of me I'll never know!) but he was really proud to dip my strawberries for me.

The whole lunch bunch! Eric, Hunter, me, Granny, Walter, my parents, and Holden

Three generations of mommies. :)

In the evening, we visited with Memaw once Daddy got off work. She helped the boys fill water balloons.

Memaw and the boys

Memaw, Daddy, and the boys in the new ride she got them for Christmas.

I hope all of the special mommies that I know and love had a great Mother's Day!

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