Sunday, June 12, 2011

We are leaving for Texas this evening! It will be quite the adventure, as we are driving the van all the way to Austin, with my parents joining us. I am sure there will be some good stories to blog about. ;) I wanted to get these spring pictures posted before we left. I still need to post about Holden's end of the year preschool activities, and our summer activities to date, but those will have to wait until after our trip. Illinois doesn't have much of a spring. We have winter, and then all of a sudden it is in the 90's. Although this week has been unseasonably cool. These pics were taken between March and April...just random fun ones I like.

Jay and the boys spent quite a bit of time at 4 Seasons during the school year. Holden has swim lessons there, and both boys enjoy swimming with Daddy. Holden also LOVES to play some b-ball with Daddy. Hunter will watch or sometimes go play in the little daycare center they provide there. We went together one Saturday so I could see them in action. Holden calls Jay his "best pal." He will look at him and say, "Hey, Daddy? Best pals, right?" So cute!! He gets this from the Toy Story movies.

Best Pals :)

Daddy and his boys
Love the one below! My 3 favorite guys chillin' on the court. :)

This was, of course, before Hunter started walking. (Yes, he is FINALLY getting there-at 14 mos!) He would have been all over the court had these been more recent. These were back in the nice days when he was content to eat snacks in his stroller or sit with a ball on the floor.

Our two little athletes

Holden enjoyed his first soccer season this spring! We opted for Gametime Gym, mainly because it is indoors so it didn't matter what the weather was like. None of my pictures turned out great-the lighting was funny in there-but you get an idea of what he did each week. We too a break this summer so he can play tee-ball. He is also continuing gymnastics and swimming. We'll start soccer back up in the fall. His friends, Brady and Michael, also took lessons.

Practicing some ball steps with the coach.

Aren't the kiddos cute?!

Jay started softball about the same time a soccer. I took these pics at a park one day after soccer practice while Jay had softball practice. Our Wed. nights were super busy there for awhile! They consisted of running from Holden's practice to Jay's practices or games, with dinner at Moe's sometime in between or after those. Moe's is a yummy Mexican restaurant down the street from us, and kids eat free on Wednesdays. They usually have some type of entertainment, like face painting or balloons. We usually had friends join us. are some park pics.

Hunter loves playing in the wood chips, and he has no fear. Bad combo! Ha!
Holden is not a fan of the wood chips. Especially when they get in his shoes. :)

Meanwhile, Hunter is not above sampling the wood chips when hungry.

Sliding is serious business.

My busy boys

Some sweet pics I got of Hunter one afternoon while Holden was still napping. Holden would have been horrified that he was chewing on his pillow pet! :)

Hooray for playing outside!! This winter was THE LONGEST WINTER EVER!!! Love how they are both in this picture.

My happy little Hunt-man. Love him!!! He thinks it's a riot to climb up the slide.

My two boys in blue.

Love how these turned out of each of them. Looking forward to lots of fun in the great outdoors this summer!


Love, Laughter, Joy and Everything In Between said...

Great pictures, Katie. Have a wonderful trip in TX.

Nathan and Megan said...

I LOVE LOVE the one of your 3 boys on the court- all smiling! That needs framed! Love you fb updates on TX. Safe travels!

Steph said...

Cute pics!! =) Glad you had a great trip to TX!! Hope the weather starts cooperating here soon!