Friday, August 1, 2008

Family, food, and....water!

As I mentioned a few postings ago with my "Baby For Sale" ad, my relatives were here the other night for a backyard barbecue. My mom's sister, "Aunt Stephanie," and her husband, "Uncle Kevin" were here from Texas, and my Granny (mom's mom) came also. I only see Steph and Kevin once or twice a year, so it was great to catch up. They had only seen Holden once before in person, at his first bday party. Despite one very cranky toddler, we had a good night and I did manage to get a few happy shots!

Looks are deceiving: this was one of the few smiley moments he had!
Can you tell he really enjoyed the cookie cake???

In a desperate attempt to stop the whining, I pulled out the hose and let him "wash"
the roof to his safari wagon. He is so fascinated with water!

Aunt Steph being a good sport and letting Holden "water" her feet!

"It's cold!!!"
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1 comment:

the cunningham family said...

Love the pic of him in the chair. He has the cutest grin on his face with the cake all over it. See, he is a doll! I don't know what you are talking about! That cute little boy couldn't throw a fit! :) Don't you love it when you hear that from people?! :)