Friday, August 22, 2008

Zoo Buddies

During the last week before school started we were"on the go" knowing it would be awhile before we could pack so much in again. Holden just adores his neighbor buddy, Brady! They had a great morning at the zoo together and were quite the hams as you'll see below!
Stroller viewing! Looking at the wallabies together.

Mug of Brady...isn't he cute?! Even if he is wearing a Cubs shirt.
I love that his hair naturally spikes.

Michelle and Isabella met us there and this is the one shot I got of Bella as she was camera shy on this day. I always get the sweetest shots of her hugging Mommy's legs. What a cutie pie! Look at those sandals! I am so in love with little girl clothes. I think the boys will be fighting over her in a few years!

Jay trying to convert Brady. Mike (Brady's Daddy) will love this shot.
Note that his arms are in a vice-lock....he kept trying to throw the hat off!

"Hey, look at that!"

Holden loved climbing on the tiger and actually posed for me. He is getting his molars in so there's a lot of finger chewing going on....which at the zoo means me wet-wiping his hands about 500 times! Too many animal germs!

They are so goofy together. If I remember correctly, they were roaring like tigers here.

The following three pictures are sequence shots of the boys in their strollers. We had them sitting there, looking at the "singing dogs" while Kam and I chatted. All of a sudden we realize that they are just being hysterically goofy together. Holden had a red button on his stroller that Brady wanted to touch. Holden would block him from touching it. You'd think this would start a fight, but instead they both thought it was a hilarious game and started playfully swatting, head wrestling, and wildly giggling. So cute! Of course it looks like they are holding hands in the second shot, but they are really preventing each other's hands from moving!

I love this one....when in doubt, go for the head butt! I can just hear their giggles now.
They are such good buddies. It is fun to watch your child make friends.


The Moser Fam... said...

i'm amazed at how much fun stuff you packed into your summer! sorry it is over now and you are back to work...but i'm sure the school year brings other fun activities! :)

the cunningham family said...

Love the head butt! That is so typical boy behavior! Why don't girls do that...oh that's right, their dads don't teach them that! The zoo is so much fun, even though it is stinky! :) Brady and Holden look like they have so much fun together!