Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Breakfast with friends!

My best friends, Bridget and Kara, and I had Presidents' Day off of school. We decided to take our kiddos to breakfast at CJ's, a restaurant out at the airport. Jay tagged along, too, since he has Mondays off. It was fun to get together, and my fluffy pancakes topped with strawberries and whipped cream sure did make my morning!
Holden and his "girlfriends," Corinne (left) and Natalie.

Such cute girls! Holden is a lucky boy. He and Natalie enjoyed watching "Yo Gabba Gabba" (only the most obnoxious show EVER!) on Bridget's I-Phone. Natalie was very patient; Holden has a litlte issue with SHARING at times! Ha!

My two best friends and me. They brought us an adorable diaper bag that I need to take a picture of. It is brown with turqoise and green circles on it; so cute and trendy! I love it! It comes with a nice changing pad inside, plus they filled it with all kinds of goodies; diapers, wipes, a little paci holder, paci wipes, and pacis to name a few. They also brought Holden a book about being a big brother which he loves. We had to read it three times just in the van on the way home. :) Thanks, girls, you rock!

There isn't much cuter than little ones all bundles up like Eskimos! We enjoyed our breakfast date!

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1 comment:

Heather said...

Ha! The three of them bundled up on the bench is adorable!