Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Superbowl Sunday!

We spent Super Bowl Sunday evening at the Cunningham's house. Which means the men sat and watched the game downstairs, the kids ran amok, and the women stayed near the kitchen so we could watch the babies, talk, and catch a few commercials. :)
Caroline Engle and Ava Cunningham becoming acquainted...how adorable are they with their bows??

The boys...Colin and Cade were cracking me up with their "chef hats" by their kitchen set! They whipped me up some fake pizza. Holden was a little under the weather and ended up with full-blown asthma issues the following day, so he was a bit subdued that night. But that didn't prevent him from getting into every single vehicle known to mankind! I love the picture of the three of them on the couch getting ready to watch a movie.

Hilarious little Cade has such personality. He is currently a "pacifier hoarder." Annie couldn't find any of his and I had actually given her a two-pack that we never used. Right after that, she found his "lair" of hidden pacis! He carries them in his pockets until they are bulging. The picture with his feet is on the couch when he dropped a bunch out of his pockets! He cracks me up.

Didn't get any pictures of the adults...oh well, the kids are cuter anyway!

1 comment:

The Stille's said...

I am so sad I missed it