Friday, July 3, 2009

St. Louis trip post 1

I have so many St. Louis pictures that I will be breaking them into two posts. This first one is our first night there, including the Cardinals game. Enjoy!
Upon arriving at our hotel, the Crowne Plaza, Holden was mesmerized with our 21st floor view. Does anyone else out there understand why this made me nervous?? Jay made fun of me, telling me it was bullet-proof glass. There's something about seeing your baby pressed against a window up this high that is slightly alarming! But it was a great view. He has a book all about the Cardinals and Fredbird, and it has the arch in it, so he immediately started pointing and yelling, "Da ARCH! Da ARCH!"

One of the best features of the hotel (in our opinions anyway!) was the rooftop pool. After we found our rooms, we headed right up to take advantage of the nice day. The weather was perfect while we were there; high 70's/low 80's with a slight breeze and sunny. I've never had such nice weather in St. Louis; usually it is scorching hot! Holden loves to swim and had a blast with everyone in the pool.

I think this is one of my new favorite family photos of the three of us.

If the view from our room was cool, the view from the pool was spectacular. There was an observation deck where you could look out and see everything. Again, it made me nervous every time Holden was near the edge, even though he was always held. His favorite thing to see (besides "da arch)" was the sightseeing helicopter taking off and landing.

After our swim, Holden got a bath before dinner to wash all the chlorine off. We had to continue the tradition of the shower cap picture since we have one from last year's trip. He thought this was so funny! I had to include the nudie shot; check out that farmer tan he's sporting! Hilarious!

We ate dinner at TGI Friday's downtown. What a difference a year makes! Last year we ate at this very same spot, Holden threw massive fits about sitting in his high chair, and Jay and I had to take turns eating and then waiting outside with him. This year he sat in a booster seat between us in the booth, colored, chatted, pointed out the scenery, and was just delightful. Very happy (albeit a bit loud at times) and sweet. He even ate some of his food, which is also progress! :)

My parents in their matching shirts

He may look like his Daddy, but he's definitely my child; loves his Dr. Pepper already!


A fun shot of "the guys" outside the restaurant.

After dinner, we headed to the game. The stadium was within walking distance of our hotel. Holden knew they had a playground since we'd talked about it, and insisted we head straight there. It is such a cute area for kids. This year we remembered to pack socks since they are required in the play area.
Group shot in our bleacher seats. The sun was setting...can you tell it was just a LITTLE bright? Holden's face cracks me up!

He quickly remedied the sun glare with his shades and then also his little hat. What a stud! Of course 5 minutes later he yanked it all off and was done with it. :)

Once the sun lowered, it was such a pretty night. Clarify that I said NIGHT, not GAME! One of the worst Cardinals games in history. They played the Giants, who have an amazing pitcher. Even Pujols struck out, and I quickly went from hoping for a win to just praying for 1 single run! Nope, didn't happen. They lost 10-0. Holden really enjoyed being at the game so it was still a good experience...just not a good game!

I had to throw in this picture for Holden. He is obsessed with Fredbird and asked about him all night. "Where's da bird, Mommy?" "When is the birdie comin' out?" "Where'd dat bird go?" "Get a hit, bird!" (I think that he is under the impression that the players are all Fredbird.??) Since he is so terrified of characters and costumed creatures, I was shocked. I still don't think he would have been happy to see him up close, but he loved spotting him down on the field. We visited the "Cardinals Build a Bear" store and got his stuffed Fredbird a tiny ball, bat, and glove. We also got Clyde the Clydesdale some shoes. That place is a gold mine!

Coming soon: our trip to the arch and Grant's Farm. Have a great 4th of July, everyone!

1 comment:

the cunningham family said...

This trip looks like so much fun, even though the Cardinals lost! Holden is getting so big! That hotel looks amazing...we might have to visit there sometime just for the views. Glad the weather was not so hot for you guys this year. Last year when we went, it was so hot we hardly did anything! Can't wait to see more! :)