Monday, February 9, 2009

February Follies!

What has my little boy smiling SO big??
It has been warm enough to play OUTSIDE this week!

My little Cardinals fan was absolutely gleeful at the prospect of being out in the yard with Brady, let alone getting by with no winter hat or coat! It was in the 60's on Saturday and again today, and tomorrow is supposed to be nice again, too. As for later in the week....well, we refuse to think about that right now. (February spring in Illinois will not last.)

Some action shots of the boys. They had a blast with Brady's soccer ball, playing in the rocks, and getting muddy. Is it just me, or are they really looking like little boys these days? Sniff sniff! When did that happen?? Lil' Miss Kylie enjoyed her first stroller time outdoors. Holden is in love with her. He gave her about 10 kisses when we were outside, without any prompting. So sweet!
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1 comment:

The Stille's said...

what a cutie and yes it is going to suck when it is cold again!!! But the nice weather is great.