Thursday, October 7, 2010

Half a year old!

My sweet baby is 6 months old now! Taking the prerequisite chair pictures is getting a little bit harder. :) He is a squirm ball! He thought he was a big shot sitting in the chair, and would squeal and then lurch forward, which resulted in some very quite footwork on Mommy's part so that he didn't face plant! My happy, drooly boy.

I thought this was a great picture of him...

and then he really just poured on the flirt factor and did this...

...and this! I love how he just lights up when I talk to him or even just look at him.

The Bears rug appears to be shrinking...

...because somebody definitely is growing. He is now the same length when he's stretched out!

Which isn't too often since he likes to do this:


The sign picture session just made me laugh. He would not hold still, keep his hand out of his mouth, or stop grabbing his feet. He thought the whole thing was wildly funny. :)

At 6 months:
Hunter weighs 19.8 lbs (83rd percentile)
and is 29.5 inches long!!! (99th percentile!!)
Could NOT be any more opposite of his brother in these areas! So funny.
(These notes are me journaling-feel free to skip if it bores you! Ha!)
He loves his meals and will let you know if you are not serving them in a timely fashion. He eats two large jars for lunch and dinner, and one large jar with cereal + a 6 oz. bottle for breakfast. On top of that, he usually has 3 other bottles somewhere in there for a total of 24 oz. a day. Dr. Dewey said he can start eating crackers and puffs, so I can't wait to try that out this weekend.
We had two blissful weeks of him sleeping all night. Then he started teething again, which is an ongoing process as we all know. He can't keep his hands out of his mouth, and the poor guy has scratches and marks on them because he does have two teeth in there already! We affectionately call him our little Hannibal Lecter because if he can get your shoulder, hair, or even face in his mouth, he will open his mouth wide and come at you! I feel so bad for him. He remains so good-natured and just chews his way through the day. Nighttime is harder for him. He has been getting up once if I am lucky, but sometimes twice, and crying and crying. I know we are supposed to let him cry it out at this age, but if I give him the bottle, he guzzles it in a few minutes and goes back to sleep. So in favor of sanity, we are just feeding him. Jay has been great about trading off, and fortunately Holden is a heavy sleeper and doesn't generally wake up to the noise. Last night, he woke up at 4:15am with a dirty diaper. I was sooo tired, and when I opened his door he just gave me a huge grin and gave a little squeal. It's hard to be annoyed when he is so adorable! I know this time is short and I have years ahead of me to sleep all night, which helps with perspective. But I would be lying if I said I won't welcome the time when he sleeps through again!
He is very close to sitting up but can't do it unassisted yet. If he wasn't in constant motion I think he could do it, but he flails and kicks and is a little squirrel. He gets on his tummy and puts his arms out like Superman, pushes off with his legs, and sticks his butt in the air. We call it his inchworm move. It is kind of like scooting but not quite there. He can get all around the room between that and his rolling. Fortunately for me, he prefers his hands to toys still, so I don't have to worry too much (YET!) about the bazillion little pieces of things that Holden has out. He can grasp things in his hands now but doesn't maneuver them very well yet. He loves the exersaucer, Bumbo seat, and jumperoo, and he still really likes his swing. He's not a big fan of the bouncy seats anymore-too restricting I guess. It's sad how quickly they grow out of things! He adores Holden and is thrilled when he sees him. He is a very easygoing guy and will at this point go to whoever. If I'm around he will look for me, but he doesn't cry. If he is tired though, only Mommy can really get him calmed down well. (Which I enjoy!)
Hunter is getting ready for his first Halloween! He is going to be a spider to go along with Holden's Spiderman costume. Love my precious second baby!


The Moser Fam... said...

He is exceptionally cute...just adorable!! Love his little smile. :)

The Stille's said...

he's soooo smiley I love it

Steph said...

Reminds me of little miss Ava...such a happy little thing! He's adorable!