Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bourke/Hobson Family Pictures 08!

My family recently got together to have our pictures taken. This was my Christmas present to my parents LAST year, and it has just taken forever to find a time that worked for my brother, Eric, to come home, and Jay to be off work at the same time as everyone else. We finally got it coordinated! Here are a few of my favorites:

I just love Holden's little pose here! My mom was tickling him with this feather duster prop they had, and this was the outcome.

My "baby brother" and me! (The curtain is not showing in the ones we bought; they must have forgotten to edit it out of my CD) =o)

Eric thought it was "lame" that he had to have shots taken by himself, but I think they turned out great! I know I'm a biased big sis, but I think he's a cutie. He is successful and single, ladies...
Mom and Dad have not had pictures taken together in forever. I love this one of the two of them.

The whole group! My mom is using this one for her Christmas cards this year. I was amazed they got all of us smiling with our eyes open. (For those of you that don't know Mom, she has a HUGE issue with always having her eyes closed in pictures! It has become a running joke!)

1 comment:

The Moser Fam... said...

Great pictures! Holden is so cute and smiley in them! You all look wonderful. I agree with you, Eric is a cutie! :)