Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving #2

After a much-needed nap for Holden (I think I needed one too, but I was busy cooking for the next meal!) we headed down the street to Jay's parents' house. We had dinner with his sister, Allison, Grandma and Grandpa Schulz, and of course Memaw and Pepaw. I somehow managed to shovel in another heaping plate (okay, maybe two!) of food. I felt bad because Holden was a bit grumpy when we got there. I chalked it up to it being a big day; we found out the next day that he had bronchiolitis (not contagious but dangerous to him; fluid on the lungs) and an ear infection! Just another reason I will not be winning Mommy of the Year 2008.

The classic group shot. It cracks me up for so many reasons; Grandma's eyes are closed and she looks pained, both Pepaw and Grandpa are looking at me like I'm a moron, Allison has her "grin and bear it" smile on (I am pretty sure Jay was doing something to her since I can't see his other arm!), and of course there's the HAPPY Holden and Memaw with those big eyes and that cheesy grin on her face thinking, "Why did I get stuck holding him?" Lastly, the strategic placement of her finger makes this one so appealing. I am still laughing when I look at it!

Happy times did prevail again as Holden warmed up to his surroundings. He is in love with water bottles right now which is what Tami is giving him in her picture. Paul is a member of the clean plate club, and Jay found new ways to annoy his sister and continue their love/hate relationship. I even got one of the two of us and Jay is not making a goofy face, which doesn't happen often.

A few more fun shots of the night. Allison and Holden spent quite a bit of time in the empty bathtub and both seemed to find it pretty amusing! Thanks, Aunt Allie! The dogs were shut in their pens during dinner, and afterwards Angel (what a great name for her!) decided to see if any of the plates needed extra scraping before the dishwasher was closed. Holden had fun with the kitchen and feeding the baby, much to Jay's delight....I mean dismay....=o) And of course I got a more realistic shot of my mature husband and myself. I mean, who were we kidding with the first one?!
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1 comment:

the cunningham family said...

Love the finger placement and the eyes closed...isn't that typical of a family pic though? It is at my house! It is hard to get eveyrone at the right time, but those are sometimes the best ones...