Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Rock Band!

As in the Wii variety. My friend and coworker, Jena, and her husband, Josh, invited us to join them and the Cunninghams for a Rock Band showdown. We were extremely grateful as this took place last Friday during the Arctic chill, otherwise known as 3 snow days in a row followed by a three-day weekend due to MLK day. As in, WAY too much time spent cooped up in our house! Jena cooked us an awesome dinner, and then the fun began...
I think the pictures say it all...

The boys love Jena!

Colin looks like such a serious drummer here! LOL! This was during what became known as "hands in the air, everybody" time! Which had to be mandated by Josh so that he could reset the microphone, drums, and guitars. Otherwise, certain little boys (esp. two certain little ones under the age of 2!) liked to hit buttons that messed it up. =o)

It was a fun night! Thanks for having us over, Tarnowskis!
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1 comment:

the cunningham family said...

Hilarious! Thanks for posting the one of me singing. I did get a 98% though, just call me a rock star!! Just kidding! Colin, Cade, and Holden could make quite the band, couldn't they?? I love the hands up comment, so funny!! You will have to send me the link to walgreens when you put them on there (especially since my camera battery died as soon as we got there)!! :)